Holding to the Biblical
traditions of faith...


Covenant Choir Notes . . . 

The Covenant Choir has resumed rehearsals on Sunday after worship.

Please think about joining the choir!  
The current roster of members consists of about half who read music and half who don't read music. 
Those who do read music help those who don't!  
And don't feel that you have to be there for every rehearsal and anthem either...

All that is required is a love of singing praises to the Lord!

If you would like to be on the Covenant Choir's email list,
please contact Jan Stack with your email address.


      If you like to sing, please join us! 

 2024/2025 Covenant Choir Schedule

1 - 1st Sunday in Advent - Rehearsal
8  -
 2nd Sunday in Advent - Anthem/Rehearsal
15  - 3rd Sunday in Advent - Rehearsal
22 - 4th Sunday in Advent - Anthem/Rehearsal
24  - Christmas Eve - Anthem
29 - Off 
31 -  New Year’s Eve

5 - Rehearsal
12 - Annual Meeting – Off
19 - Rehearsal
26 - Anthem (Jan works)

2 - Rehearsal
9 - Rehearsal
16 - Rehearsal
23 - Anthem (Jan works)

2 - Rehearsal
5 - Ash Wednesday
9 - Rehearsal  
16 - Rehearsal
23 - Anthem (Lent) (Jan works)
30 - Extra Rehearsal if Needed

6 - Rehearsal
13 - Palm Sunday – Anthem
         Quarterly Meeting?
18 - Good Friday - Anthem
20 - Easter Sunday - Anthem
27 - Quick Rehearsal (Jan works)

4 - Rehearsal
11- Mother’s Day
18 - Music Sunday - Anthem
25 - Off (Jan works)


2021-2022 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 22, 2022


2018 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 13, 2018



2017 Plymouth Covenant Choir

Music Sunday - May 21, 2017


2015 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 17th


2014 Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 18, 2014




In Loving Memory of

Ann Taylor

2014 Choir Member of the Year


2009 Plymouth Covenant Choir

In loving memory of
Howard Saar



The Covenant Choir begins the regular schedule in September;
we rehearse after church, usually on the first three Sundays,
and sing an anthem on the fourth Sundays, as well as for special services,
all the way through to the following May. 

There are no dues or tryouts, and you don't even need to "read" music -
all that's required is a willingness to try and a desire to make a joyful noise to the Lord! 
If you have any questions, please contact Jan Stack at janstack@sbcglobal.net or talk to her at church.



Come sing with us!
It's not a performance.
It is a gift we give- to express God's love
and it's a gift we get back-
we feel God's love lifting us
with the blending
of our very human voices.




The Covenant Choir

The Covenant Choir, under the direction of Jan Stack,
is a group of adults who sing anthems for the worship services during the regular choir season,
which runs from September through May.
n the summer, we sing one Sunday a month during June, July and August. 

The Covenant Choir has performed the National Anthem at the Joliet Jackhammers and
Joliet Slammers games at Silver Cross Stadium, at the Route 66 Dragstrip in Joliet,

and has also sung at the Rialto Square Theatre as part of a combined choir from Plainfield.  
In 2002, the Covenant Choir was the core group and the organizers and producers
of the Community Cares Concert, raising money for the addition to Plymouth Church
in addition to thanking the community for their support in that effort.  
Recently we sang anthems for a program in which our Congregational meeting house,
built in 1850, (known currently as Plymouth Congregational Church) received an award from the D.A.R. 
In past years, we were the core group for the Community Crèche Choir who sang yearly in
the annual Crèche
Lighting program, hosted by our church in conjunction with the Plainfield Lion’s Club.)

 We are a small but dedicated choir - in fact, half of our members do not read music! 
We are always delighted to welcome new members,
and suggest that you try singing with us to see just how easy it is. 
There are no tryouts, dues or membership requirements
other than to be an adult who loves to sing praises to the Lord.


If you would like to join us,

or be on the Covenant Choir mailing list,

please contact our director,

Jan Stack at janstack@sbcglobal.net  

or via Plymouth’s voice mail, 815-436-3409.