"News You Can Use!"
Check this page often for updates on Plymouth events!
And sign up to be a lay leader, bring treats, be a greeter or bring flowers!
Worship Services in the sanctuary begin at 10:45 a.m.
If you bring your offering, please place it in the Prayer Box on the table in the narthex.
If you have prayer requests, please bring your prayer request already written out
and place them in the Prayer Box so we can collect them and pass them on to the prayer network.
Also if you have a prayer request, do not hesitate to send it to Pastor Bill
and he will see that it is prayed for at NOON and sent to the prayer Network.
If you have a prayer concern, please fill out our prayer request form on this website,
call, email or text it to Pastor Bill.
Fellowship Time after Worship
We have resumed our Coffee Hour/Fellowship Time after worship.
If you would like to bring treats, please sign up in the East Room.
First Sunday of the month during Worship
Adult Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at Plymouth
Men's Bible Study and Prayer Group
Second and last Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Plymouth
Family Prayer Night
First Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Plymouth
Men's Breakfast
Third Saturday of the month at Southern Belle Pancake House - 10:00 a.m.
Chili Cook-Off
Sunday February 16 after Worship
Sunday February 16th after our Worship Service
Cook up your favorite chili recipe and compete for your name on the Golden Ladle Trophy!
Olivia Avery - University of Kentucky, School of Nursing, Pediatrics
Kyle Erkonen: University of Illinois, Agricultural Engineering
Kaitlyn Froderman: Calvary Christian School
Sydney Johnston: Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High School
Remie Lee Marshall: Bureau Valley Junior High School
Congratulations to our Co-Champions of 2024!
Friday November 3 - Food, Fellowship and Fun!
Graduation Sunday
On Sunday June 11th,
we honored the graduates of the Plymouth Church family.
Plymouth Graduates 2023
“For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD,“
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Plymouth Church members:
Christy Brand – Doctorate in Audiology
AT Still University, Kirksville, Missouri
Drew Dzurko – Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photography
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
Myla Peters - Preschool Graduation
Plymouth Church extended family:
Lucas Elmore (Shirley Gutierrez’s great grandson)
Pacifica High School, Garden Grove, California
Jayden Jaakkola (Patty and Jeff Cahill’s granddaughter) - 8th grade
Abigail Jaakkola (Patty and Jeff Cahill’s granddaughter) - High School
Olivia May Kasper (Pastor and Stella’s granddaughter)
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Criminal Justice
Lakeland University, Plymouth, Wisconsin.
Lindsay Carol Kasper (Pastor and Stella’s granddaughter)
Associates Degree in Education
Moraine Valley Community College, Orland Park Il.
Kathryn Norman- (Joyce Saar’s daughter)
Master of Science in Education, School of Business Management Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
Aidan Xavier Reyna (Ilene Stalnaker‘s grandson)
Bachelor of Arts (Double Major), Criminal Justice and Psychology
Montreat College, Montreat, North Carolina
Congratulations to our graduates!
Congratulations to the Grimes Family!
Winners of the 2023 Plymouth Church Chili Cook-Off!
Congratulations Class of 2022!
Honoring our graduates from our Plymouth Church Family:
Noah Avery - Plainfield Central High School
Alexandria Betzwiser - Montana State University - Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Karl Burns - UIC - Bachelor of Science in Finance
Breana Elmore - West Salem High School
Jacob Elmore - Pacific High School
Joseph Jaakkola - Plainfield Central High School
Brendan Richard Kaiser - Ball State University - Bachelor of Music Education
Lainey Elisabeth Kaiser - Joliet West High School
Madelyn Kiper - Channahon Middle School
Isabel Reyna - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Bachelor of Arts & Sciences in Communications and Geography
Isaac Reyna - Ledford Senior High School
Evan Stalnaker - Oklahoma State University - Masters in Health Administration
Delaney Woodall - University of Iowa - Masters in Health Administration
Piper Woodall - Plainfield Central High School
Brendan Richard Kaiser Lainey Elisabeth Kaiser
Karl Burns
Delaney Woodall
Piper Woodall
Ongoing Events
Adult Bible Study on Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. at Plymouth Church
Virtual Communion is the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 p.m. live on Facebook.
Daily Prayer is live on Facebook at 12 noon every day.
Sunday School will now be held at 9:30 a.m. in the classroom at Plymouth!
Congratulations to Brogan Woodall and Tahriq Jones
on the birth of their son
Javion Kevin Jones
7 pounds 12 ounces 21 inches
Congratulations to our 2020 Graduates!
Delaney Woodall - University of Iowa
Bachelors Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Delaney will remain at Iowa to earn her Masters Degree in Rehab Counseling
Brooklynn Doti
Minooka Junior High School
Jerry Taylor
Yorkville High School
Plymouth Church Family:
If you have a graduate student (kindergarten, grade school, middle school, high school, college, trade school, etc.)
please send your information and a picture to janstack@sbcglobal.net
We would love to honor your graduate here!
Palm Sunday Pictures
Here are some of our church families who placed palms or green branches on their front door
to celebrate Palm Sunday due to the fact that we could not gather for worship.
If you have a picture of your Palm Sunday front door, please send it to us so we can post it here!
Hosanna in the Highest!
Plymouth's Annual Chili Cook-Off
And the winner is...
Regular Scheduled Meetings:
Executive Board - Second Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Bible Classes - every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and every Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at Plymouth and via Zoom
Congratulations to our Graduates:
Drew Dzurko - Plainfield Central High School
Not pictured: Paige Galetti - Graduated in December 2018 - Plainfield Central High School
Debbie Jones is once again our Chili Cook-Off winner...for the third time!
Her recipe, which she says she uses every year, was voted the favorite.
There was a tie for second place between Shirley Gutierrez and Joe Martin.
We had eight entries this year, plus some yummy desserts.
Congratulations to Debbie - winner of the Golden Ladle!
Christmas Cookie Sunday!
Our young people, under the guidance of Debbie Jones,
baked and decorated some delicious Christmas cookies
for our fellowship time on Sunday December 9th.
Then they served us the cookies at our tables,
bringing the trays around so we could select the cookies we wanted...
it was a difficult choice since there were so many great varieties!
Our "servers" all lined up and ready to go!
A photo op with Pastor Bill, Stella and Debbie!
Photographs from the Ordination Service of Andrew Jones
June 3, 2018
(Click on each picture for full size view)
Con"grad"ulations to our 2018 Plymouth Church Family Graduates!
Pictured (Left to Right):
Jenna Smith (Troy Middle School), Brendan Kaiser (Joliet West High School),
Karl Burns (Plainfield Central High School), Brogan Woodall (Plainfield Central High School),
Piper Woodall (Indian Trail Middle School), Tyler Sutherland (Minooka Junior High School)
Not Pictured:
Kyle Erkonen (Plainfield South High School), Kiera Martin (Kelvin Grove Junior High School),
Gunner Woodall (Gallaudet University)
Music Sunday and Mother's Day
Debbie Jones leads "Time With Our Children"
Our Covenant Choir sings their anthem, "In Christ Alone".
Congratulations to the 2018 Confirmands at Plymouth Church!
Jenna Smith, Pastor Bill Beagle, Piper Woodall
Who says being in the choir isn't fun?
Saturday, February 3, 2018.
Here are some pictures from the Starved Rock Trip, courtesy of Drew Dzurko.
Congratulations to the 2018 Chili Cook-Off Winner
Debbie Jones!
Debbie wins the trophy for a second time!
We had ten pots of excellent chili - thank you to everyone who brought food for this annual event!
Prayer Request Forms Are Now Online!
You may now submit prayer requests online by selecting the
Prayer Request tab on our webpage.
Prayers will be lifted up on Sunday during worship and prayed for during the week
by our Church Family Prayer Network.
Prayers can be anonymous and unspoken - just ask for prayer.
Monthly Events
Family Prayer Night
Join us for prayer on a new night - the third Thursday of every month.
(Cruise Night is so popular that we can't find places to park on Tuesdays!)
Come and pray with Pastor and Stella -
it's a wonderful, moving, enriching experience!
6:30 p.m.
Congratulations to our newlyweds,
Quinlan and Daniela Riley!
Wishing you God's blessings on your life together!
Congratulations to our Plymouth Church family graduates!
Kellan Riley
Plainfield Central High School
Class of 2017
Delaney Woodall and Quinlan Riley
Plainfield Central High School
Class of 2016
May 15th - Bring a Friend to Church Day!
As you can see, we have some light-hearted moments at Plymouth!
And the winner of the 2017 Chili Cook-Off is...
Brenda Burns!
Brenda was voted our Chili Queen for 2017! Her name was added to the Golden Ladle Trophy!
Congratulations Brenda-
and thank you to all our chili cooks for a delicious contest!
Honorable mention goes to John Riley for his WeatherTech Chili...
2016 Chili Cook-off Winner
Debbie Jones!
Congratulations - your name has been added to the Golden Ladle Trophy
at Plymouth for the year 2016!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to a successful (and delicious) contest!
Congratulations to our 2015 Confirmands:
Paige Galetti, Drew Dzurko and Carolyn Hug
Congratulations to our 2014 Confirmation Class!
Karl, Kyle, Erin, Brogan and Brendan