Worship Services at Plymouth
Worship services in our meeting house begin at 10:45 a.m.
The Offering plate and the Prayer Request box are in the narthex.
If you have prayer requests, please write them out in advance, or email or text them to Pastor Bill.
Worship services are also broadcast live on Facebook and uploaded to YouTube -
see our "Worship Services on YouTube" page for current and previous services.
Would you like to join us for Sunday worship?
We hope the information below will help you feel more comfortable during your first few visits with us.
Worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and typically concludes at 11:45 a.m.
Sunday School for Children and Adult Bible Discussion begins at 9:30 a.m.
As you enter our meetinghouse, you will encounter our Greeters, who will give you a bulletin.
If you have any questions regarding childcare, etc., our Greeters will be able to direct you to the appropriate area.
Also, as a first-time visitor, we ask that you fill out our Communications Form that is part of our bulletin
and place it in the offering plate in the narthex.
Our worship service includes uplifting music, engaging children's stories,
the collection of prayer requests in the narthex, and meaningful messages.
The Sacrament of Communion is shared on the first Sunday of every month.
(If you are a confessing Christian, you are invited to partake with us - you do not have to be a member.
The bread and juice are served individually.)
A Fellowship time is held after worship in our East Room . . . a time in which we greet and connect with each other,
usually over coffee and treats.
A Family Worship Room, located just outside the Sanctuary,
is available for parents who need to take their children to a place where they can still be a part of the service.
The Family Worship Room is equipped with its own restroom and big screen TV to view the service as it takes place.
Both the west and east side entrances are handicap accessible.
All restrooms on the main level are also handicap accessible.
Parking is available in the Municipal lot 1/2 block north of the west entrance (on the other side of the Library on Illinois Street)
and also just a short distance to the north of the rear entrance (behind the former Baci's Restaurant).
There is also parking in front of the church and in the alley east of the church.
Click on car for directions |
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If you have any questions, please feel free to the church office at (815) 436-3409.
At our church, this gesture is called the "Plymouth Salute."
When we extend our hands to one another like this, we are saying,
"How can I serve you? How can I help?"
While we are happy just to have you join us for worship or attend our special events,
if you feel you would like to be more involved, there are many opportunities to do so.
You may volunteer to be a Lay Leader, a Greeter, to provide treats or flowers, or to join a committee.
Like kids? Then you may be interested in becoming a Sunday School teacher or Vacation Bible School volunteer.
You may eventually wish to become a member of Plymouth and become part of a governing board.
Or you may feel moved to share your musical talents by becoming a member of the choir.
Whatever you feel comfortable doing, we are happy to have you as part of our church family!
Each year we have gathered at the church in early November for our Annual Harvest Home Dinner.
We enjoy an evening of fellowship, a traditional turkey dinner and entertainment.
The Old Testament tells us that when King Joash came to the throne, he found the House of the Lord in need of repairs.
A box or chest was placed outside the doors of the synagogue so that as the people came to worship the Lord,
they could, in the spirit of giving thanks, deposit their offerings of love.
At the conclusion of the meal, we pass our Joash Box.
Each year the offerings given are designated for general repair projects so that our meeting house remains in good condition.
The Harvest Home dinner was begun at Plymouth in 1962
to raise funds for building repairs and has become one of our favorite yearly events!
Church in the Woods
"Church in the Woods" is our annual outdoor worship service,
which is usually during mid-summer or early fall.
We have a potluck picnic after our casual service.
Annual Lion's Club Creche Lighting Program
The Annual Plainfield Lions Club Crèche Lighting program takes place on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.
2025 will mark the 74th year the Lion's Club has set up the Nativity scene.
The evening features music by our guests, one of the area high schools' Madrigal groups.
The program also includes a sing-a-long, readings of the Christmas Story from the gospels, and favorite Christmas hymns.
When the program concludes, everyone gathers outside around the life-size nativity to sing Silent Night,
and the scene is illuminated for the rest of the holiday season.
Church Government
Four quarterly meetings are held each year, one of which is our Annual Meeting held in January. We draft our own constitution and by-laws for the growing of the practical church. The Diaconate, Trustees and CBOE boards have been combined into an Executive Board, which meets once a month. The "Ad Hoc" Committees are still in place. |
This committee assists the pastor with all the spiritual aspects of the church’s life . . . assists with arrangements for special worship services, serving of Communion, assists with visitations and various other duties. This board meets monthly.
The Trustees oversee all the material assets of the church; review and approve payment of bills, oversee the upkeep of the church building and grounds and are involved in the stewardship campaign designed to subscribe the budget. This board meets monthly.
C.B.O.E. is responsible for the shaping of the Christian education program for people of all ages in the life of the church. They are responsible for Vacation Bible School in the summer and work to plan any teen programs. This board meets monthly.
The following “Ad Hoc” committees vary in size and frequency of meeting, and are one-year terms: Publicity, the Harvest Home Dinner Committee, Historian, Assistant Historian, Ushering, Sunshine Committee, Music, Missions, and the Nominations Committee. |